Files list columns preferences
There are several columns of information that you can display in the Files list view. Right-click a column header and select or deselect which columns should be visible.
- Ime
The name of folders and files.
The Name column cannot be hidden.
- Velikost
Velikost mape je podana kot število predmetov, ki so v mapi. Velikost datoteke je podana kot bajti, KB ali MB.
- Vrsta
Prikazano kot mapa ali datoteka vrste kot je dokument PDF, slika JPEG, zvok MP3 in več.
- Spremenjeno
Gives the date of the last time the file was modified.
- Lastnik
Ime uporabnika, ki je lastnik datoteke ali mape.
- Skupina
The group the file is owned by. Each user is normally in their own group, but it is possible to have many users in one group. For example, a department may have their own group in a work environment.
- Dovoljenja
Displays the file access permissions. For example, drwxrw-r--
The first character is the file type. - means regular file and d means directory (folder). In rare cases, other characters can also be shown.
Naslednji trije znaki rwx določijo dovoljenja uporabnika, ki je lastnik datoteke.
Naslednji trije znaki rw- določajo dovoljenja vseh članov skupine, ki je lastnik datoteke.
Zadnji trije znaki v stolpcu r-- določajo dovoljenja za vse uporabnike na sistemu.
Each permission has the following meanings:
r: readable, meaning that you can open the file or folder
w: writable, meaning that you can save changes to it
x: executable, meaning that you can run it if it is a program or script file, or you can access subfolders and files if it is a folder
-: permission not set
- Vrsta MIME
Prikaže predmetovo vrsto MIME.
- Mesto
Pot do mesta datoteke.
- Modified — Time
Poda datum in čas zadnje spremembe datoteke.
- Dostopano
Gives the date or time of the last time the file was modified.