Najdite svoj naslov IP
Poznavanje vašega naslova IP vam lahko pomaga pri odpravljanju težav z vašo internetno povezavo. Vaš računalnik ima dva naslova IP: naslov IP vašega računalnika na notranjem omrežju in naslov IP vašega računalnika na internetu.
Find your wired connection’s internal (network) IP address
Go to the desktop and start typing Settings.
Click on Settings.
Click on Network in the sidebar to open the panel.
If more than one type of wired connected is available, you might see names like PCI Ethernet or USB Ethernet instead of Wired.
Click the
button next to the active connection for the IP address and other details.
Find your wireless connection’s internal (network) IP address
Go to the desktop and start typing Settings.
Click on Settings.
Click on Wi-Fi in the sidebar to open the panel.
Click the
button next to the active connection for the IP address and other details.
Najdite svoj zunanji, internetni naslov IP:
Spletišče vam bo za vas prikazalo vaš zunanji naslov IP.
Depending on how your computer connects to the internet, the internal and external addresses may be the same.