Kaj je naslov MAC?
Naslov MAC je edinstvena koda, ki jo je proizvajalec dodelil omrežni strojni opremi (kot je brezžična kartica ali kartica eternet). MAC pomeni Nadzor do dostopa večpredstavnosti in vsaka koda je edinstvena za določeno napravo.
Naslovi MAC so sestavljeni iz šestih nizov dveh znakov, ki so ločeni z dvopičjem. Primer naslova MAC je 00:1B:44:11:3A:B7.
Za določitev naslova MAC svoje omrežne strojne opreme:
Go to the desktop and start typing Network.
Click on Network to open the panel.
Choose which device, Wi-Fi or Wired, from the left pane.
The MAC address for the wired device will be displayed as the Hardware Address on the right.
Click the
button to see the MAC address for the wireless device displayed as the Hardware Address in the Details panel.
In practice, you may need to modify or “spoof” a MAC address. For example, some internet service providers may require that a specific MAC address be used to access their service. If the network card stops working, and you need to swap a new card in, the service won’t work anymore. In such cases, you would need to spoof the MAC address.