
粘滞键让您在输入键盘快捷方式时可以依次按下每一个键,而无需一次按住所有键。比如, Super+Tab是在窗口间切换的快捷方式。未开启粘滞键,您需同时按住两个键;开启粘滞键后,您只需先按下Super键,再按下 Tab 键就可完成同样的操作。


  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Settings.

  2. Click on Settings.

  3. Click Accessibility in the sidebar to open the panel.

  4. 输入部分点击输入辅助(AccessX)

  5. Switch the Sticky Keys switch to on.


Switch the Enable by Keyboard switch to turn sticky keys on and off from the keyboard. When this option is selected, you can press Shift five times in a row to enable or disable sticky keys.

You can also turn sticky keys on and off by clicking the accessibility icon on the top bar and selecting Sticky Keys. The accessibility icon is visible when one or more settings have been enabled from the Accessibility panel.


例如,如果您打开了此选项,并且您开启了粘滞键,但同时按下了 AltTab 键,粘滞键不会等待您按下另一键。但是,如果您只按了一个键,它将会等待您按下另一个。如果您能够同时按下某些键盘快捷键(例如,紧邻的几个键)但不能按住其他快捷键,此选项将非常有用。


You can have the computer make a “beep” sound when you start typing a keyboard shortcut with sticky keys turned on. This is useful if you want to know that sticky keys is expecting a keyboard shortcut to be typed, so the next key press will be interpreted as part of a shortcut. Select Beep when a modifier key is pressed to enable this.