
If you do not want a file or folder any more, you can delete it. When you delete an item it is moved to the Trash, where it is stored until you empty the trash. You can restore items in the Trash to their original location if you decide you need them, or if they were accidentally deleted.


  1. 单击选中您想要删除的项目。

  2. Press Delete on your keyboard. Alternatively, drag the item to the Trash in the sidebar.

The file will be moved to the trash, and you’ll be presented with an option to Undo the deletion. The Undo button will appear for a few seconds. If you select Undo, the file will be restored to its original location.





  1. 选中您想删除的文件。

  2. 按住 Shift 键,然后按键盘上的 Delete 键。

  3. 由于这一操作不能恢复,您会被询问确认是否要删除文件或文件夹。

可移动设备上已删除的文件在其他操作系统上可能看不到,如 Windows 或 Mac OS。但这些文件仍然存在,当您将设备重新插入您的计算机时,将重新可用。