La connessione Internet sembra lenta
Se la connessione a Internet sembra lenta, ciò può essere dovuto a diverse cause.
Provare a chiudere il browser e a riaprirlo, a terminare la connessione e ristabilirla nuovamente (in tale maniera vengono ripristinati molti elementi che potrebbero causare il rallentamento).
Linea congestionata
Internet service providers commonly setup internet connections so that they are shared between several households. Even though you connect separately, through your own phone line or cable connection, the connection to the rest of the internet at the telephone exchange might actually be shared. If this is the case and lots of your neighbors are using the internet at the same time as you, you might notice a slow-down. You’re most likely to experience this at times when your neighbors are probably on the internet (in the evenings, for example).
Scaricare molti elementi contemporaneamente
Se coloro che usano la connessione Internet stanno scaricando diversi file contemporaneamente, o guardando video, la connessione Internet potrebbe non essere abbastanza veloce da soddisfare la richiesta. In questo caso, potrebbe sembrare più lenta.
Connessione inaffidabile
Alcune connessioni Internet sono semplicemente inaffidabili, specialmente quelle temporanee o in aree a elevata richiesta. Se ci si trova in un bar affollato o in un centro congressi, la connessione Internet potrebbe essere congestionata o semplicemente inaffidabile.
Bassa qualità del segnale della connessione senza fili
If you are connected to the internet by wireless (Wi-Fi), check the network icon on the taskbar to see if you have good wireless signal. If not, the internet may be slow because you don’t have a very strong signal.
Connessione mobile a Internet lenta
If you have a mobile internet connection and notice that it is slow, you may have moved into an area where signal reception is poor. When this happens, the internet connection will automatically switch from a fast “mobile broadband” connection like 3G to a more reliable, but slower, connection like GPRS.
Il browser ha un problema
Sometimes web browsers encounter a problem that makes them run slow. This could be for any number of reasons — you could have visited a website that the browser struggled to load, or you might have had the browser open for a long time, for example. Try closing all of the browser’s windows and then opening the browser again to see if this makes a difference.