Impostazioni utente e di sistema Account online Add an online account, Remove an account, Learn about services… Account utente Add user, change password, administrators… Alimentazione e batteria Battery status, suspend, screen dimming… Audio Volume, speakers and headphones, microphones… Data & ora Set date and time, world clocks, timezone, calendar and appointments… Gestione del colore Perché è importante, profili colore, come calibrare un dispositivo... Mouse, Touchpad & Touchscreen Left-handed, speed and sensitivity, touchpad clicking and scrolling… Privacy Settings Screen lock, Usage history, Purge trash & temporary files… Region & Language Language, region and formats, keyboard layouts… Sharing Settings Bluetooth sharing, Personal file sharing, Screen sharing, Tastiera Keyboard layouts, cursor blinking, keyboard accessibility… Visualizzazione e schermo Background, size and orientation, brightness, color temperature… Wacom Graphics Tablet Map a monitor, configure the stylus, use the tablet left handed… Ulteriori informazioni Endless OS Desktop Help — A guide for Endless OS Desktop users.