Simulacija klika s prehodom

You can click or drag simply by hovering your mouse pointer over a control or object on the screen. This is useful if you find it difficult to move the mouse and click at the same time. This feature is called Hover Click or Dwell Click.

When Hover Click is enabled, you can move your mouse pointer over a control, let go of the mouse, and then wait for a while before the button will be clicked for you.

  1. Go to the Desktop and start typing Accessibility.

  2. Click Accessibility to open the panel.

  3. Press Click Assist in the Pointing & Clicking section.

  4. Switch Hover Click to on.

Odprlo se bo okno Zadržani klik, ki bo ostalo nad vašimi drugimi okni. To lahko uporabite za izbiro vrste klika, ki se naj zgodi pri lebdenju nad gumbom. V primeru da izberete Drugotni klik, bo miška po nekaj sekundah nad gumbom desno kliknila. Po dvokliku, desnem kliku ali vlečenju, se bo možnost samodejno spremenila nazaj na klikanje.

When you hover your mouse pointer over a button and do not move it, it will gradually change color. When it has fully changed color, the button will be clicked.

Prilagodite nastavitev Zamik za spremembo kako dolgo morate držati miškin kazalec pred klikom.

You do not need to hold the mouse perfectly still when hovering to click. The pointer is allowed to move a little bit and will still click after a while. If it moves too much, however, the click will not happen.

Prilagodite nastavitev Prag premikanja za spremembo koliko se lahko kazalec premakne, da bo še vedno mišljen kot lebdeč.