Buscar unha xanela perdida

A window on a different workspace, or hidden behind another window, is easily found using the Activities overview:

  • Open the Activities overview. If the missing window is on the current workspace, it will be shown here in thumbnail. Simply click the thumbnail to redisplay the window, or

  • Click different workspaces in the workspace selector to try to find your window, or

  • Prema co botón dereito a aplicación no panel e mostraranse as súas xanelas abertas. Prema a xanela na lista para cambiar a ela.

Usar o trocador de xanelas:

  • Press Super+Tab to display the window switcher. Continue to hold down the Super key and press Tab to cycle through the open windows, or Shift+Tab to cycle backwards.

  • Se a súa aplicación ten múltiples xanelas aberas, manteña premida a tecla Super e prema ` (ou a tecla enriba de Tabulador) para ir á seguinte.