Eliminar unha conta de usuario

Pode engadir múltiples contas de usuario no seu computador. Se algunha persoa xa non usa o seu computador máis, pode eliminar a súa conta de usuario.

Pode cambiar os privilexios de administración para eliminar contas de usuarios.

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Users.

  2. Prema en Usuarios para abrir o panel.

  3. Prema Desbloquear na esquina superior dereita e escriba o seu contrasinal cando se lle pregunte.

  4. Click on the user account that you want to delete under Other Users.

  5. Press the Remove User... button to delete that user account.

  6. Each user has their own home folder for their files and settings. You can choose to keep or delete the user’s home folder. Click Delete Files if you are sure they will not be used anymore and you need to free up disk space. These files are permanently deleted. They cannot be recovered. You may want to back up the files to an external storage device before deleting them.