Configure o «stylus»

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Wacom Tablet.

  2. Prema na Táboa de Wacom para abrir o panel.

    If no tablet is detected, you’ll be asked to Please plug in or turn on your Wacom tablet. Click Bluetooth in the sidebar to connect a wireless tablet.

  3. There is a section containing settings specific to each stylus, with the device name (the stylus class) and diagram at the top.

    Se non se detecta ningunha tableta, pediráselle que Mova o lapis cerca da súa tableta Wacom para configurala.

    These settings can be adjusted:

    • Sensación de presión: use este desprazador para axustar a «sensación» a Débil e Firme.

    • Button/Scroll Wheel configuration (these change to reflect the stylus). Click the menu next to each label to select one of these functions: Middle Mouse Button Click, Right Mouse Button Click, Back, or Forward.

  4. Click Test Your Settings in the header bar to pop down a sketchpad where you can test your stylus settings.