Tata konfigurasi tylus

  1. Go to the desktop and start typing Wacom Tablet.

  2. Klik pada Tablet Wacom untuk membuka panel.

    If no tablet is detected, you’ll be asked to Please plug in or turn on your Wacom tablet. Click Bluetooth in the sidebar to connect a wireless tablet.

  3. There is a section containing settings specific to each stylus, with the device name (the stylus class) and diagram at the top.

    Jika tidak ada stylus terdeteksi, Anda akan diminta untuk Memindahkan stylus Anda ke dekat tablet untuk mengkonfigurasinya.

    Pengaturan ini dapat disesuaikan:

    • Rasa Tekanan Ujung: pakai penggeser untuk menyetel "rasa" antara Lunak dan Kencang.

    • Button/Scroll Wheel configuration (these change to reflect the stylus). Click the menu next to each label to select one of these functions: Middle Mouse Button Click, Right Mouse Button Click, Back, or Forward.

  4. Click Test Your Settings in the header bar to pop down a sketchpad where you can test your stylus settings.