
ファイルや設定の最も簡単なバックアップ方法は、バックアップ処理をバックアップアプリケーションに管理させることです。様々なバックアップアプリケーションが利用可能であり、たとえば Déjà Dup などがあります。


An alternative option is to copy your files to a safe location, such as an external hard drive, an online storage service, or a USB drive. Your personal files and settings are usually in your Home folder, so you can copy them from there.


  • Files that are already backed up somewhere else, such as to a USB drive, or other removable media.

  • Files that you can recreate easily. For example, if you are a programmer, you do not have to back up the files that get produced when you compile your programs. Instead, just make sure that you back up the original source files.

  • ゴミ箱フォルダーのファイル。ゴミ箱フォルダーは、~/.local/share/Trash にあります。