Brskanje datotek na strežniku ali omrežni souporabi

Če se povežete s strežnikom ali omrežno souporabo za brskanje, si lahko datoteke ogledate natanko tako, kot če bi bili na svojem računalniku. To je priročen način za prejem ali pošiljanje datotek na internetu ali za izmenjavo datotek z drugimi v vašem krajevnem omrežju.

To browse files over the network, open the Files application from the desktop, and click Other Locations in the sidebar. The file manager will find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files. If you want to connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you’re looking for, you can manually connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address.

Povezava z datotečnim strežnikom

  1. In the file manager, click Other Locations in the sidebar.

  2. In Connect to Server, enter the address of the server, in the form of a URL. Details on supported URLs are listed below.

    If you have connected to the server before, you can click on it in the Recent Servers list.

  3. Click Connect. The files on the server will be shown. You can browse the files just as you would for those on your own computer. The server will also be added to the sidebar so you can access it quickly in the future.

Pisanje URL-jev

A URL, or uniform resource locator, is a form of address that refers to a location or file on a network. The address is formatted like this:


The scheme specifies the protocol or type of server. The portion of the address is called the domain name. If a username is required, it is inserted before the server name:


Nekatere sheme zahtevajo vnos številke vrat. Vstavite jo po imenu domene:


Sledi nekaj tipičnih primerov za različne podprte vrste strežnikov.

Vrste strežnikov

You can connect to different types of servers. Some servers are public, and allow anybody to connect. Other servers require you to log in with a username and password.

Morda ne boste imeli dovoljenj za izvajanje določenih dejanj na strežniku. Na javnih strežnikih FTP na primer ne boste mogli brisati datotek.

URL, ki ga vnesete, je odvisen od protokola, ki ga strežnik uporablja za izvoz svojih datotek v skupni rabi.


If you have a secure shell account on a server, you can connect using this method. Many web hosts provide SSH accounts to members so they can securely upload files. SSH servers always require you to log in.

Običajno je URL za SSH naslednje oblike:


When using SSH, all the data you send (including your password) is encrypted so that other users on your network can’t see it.

FTP (s prijavo)

FTP je priljubljen način za izmenjavo datotek na Internetu. Ker podatki preko FTP niso šifrirani, veliko strežnikov sedaj zagotavlja dostop preko SSH. Nekateri strežniki še vedno omogočajo ali zahtevajo uporabo FTP za pošiljanje ali prejem datotek. Spletišča FTP s prijavami običajno dovoljujejo brisanje in pošiljanje datotek.

Običajno je URL za FTP naslednje oblike:


Javni FTP

Sites that allow you to download files will sometimes provide public or anonymous FTP access. These servers do not require a username and password, and will usually not allow you to delete or upload files.

Običajno je URL za brezimni FTP naslednje oblike:

Some anonymous FTP sites require you to log in with a public username and password, or with a public username using your email address as the password. For these servers, use the FTP (with login) method, and use the credentials specified by the FTP site.

Souporaba s sistemom Windows

Računalniki Windows za souporabo datotek preko krajevnega omrežja uporabljalo lastniški protokol. Računalniki na omrežju Windows so včasih združeni v domene za organizacijo in za boljši nadzor dostopa. V primeru da imate na oddaljenemu računalniku prava dovoljenja, se lahko do souporabe Windows povežete iz upravljalnika datotek.

Običajno je URL za Windows Share naslednje oblike:


WebDAV in Varen WebDAV

Based on the HTTP protocol used on the web, WebDAV is sometimes used to share files on a local network and to store files on the internet. If the server you’re connecting to supports secure connections, you should choose this option. Secure WebDAV uses strong SSL encryption, so that other users can’t see your password.

A WebDAV URL looks like this:


NFS share

UNIX computers traditionally use the Network File System protocol to share files over a local network. With NFS, security is based on the UID of the user accessing the share, so no authentication credentials are needed when connecting.

A typical NFS share URL looks like this:
