Souporaba Brskanje datotek na strežniku ali omrežni souporabi — Ogled in urejanje datotek na drugem računalniku preko FTP, SSH, souporab Windows ali WebDAV. Control sharing over Bluetooth — Allow files to be uploaded to your computer over Bluetooth. Dajte svoje namizje v souporabo — Pustite drugim ljudem ogled in delo z vašim namizjem z uporabo VNC. Pošlji datoteko kot elektronsko pošto — Easily transfer files to your email contacts from the file manager. Pošljite datoteke napravi Bluetooth — Souporaba datotek z napravami z omogočenim Bluetooth, kot je telefon. Share your music, photos and videos — Share media on your local network using UPnP. Share your personal files — Let other people access files in your Public folder. Več podrobnosti Networking, web & email — Connect to wireless and wired networks. Stay safe with a VPN. Create a wireless hotspot.