Disks & storage Ajustarea dimensiunii unui sistem de fișiere — Shrink or grow a filesystem and its partition. Check how much disk space is left — Use Disk Usage Analyzer, System Monitor, or Usage to check space and capacity. Check your hard disk for problems — Test your hard disk for problems to make sure that it’s healthy. Manage volumes and partitions — Understand what volumes and partitions are and use the disk utility to manage them. Repair a damaged filesystem — Check if a filesystem is damaged and bring it back into a usable state. Test the performance of your hard disk — Run benchmarks on your hard disk to check how fast it is. Wipe everything off a removable disk — Remove all of the files and folders from an external hard disk or USB flash drive by formatting it. Mai multe informații Hardware și drivere — Probleme hardware, imprimante, configurări de consum, administrarea culorilor, Bluetooth, discuri…