Nastavitev dovoljenja datotek

Za nadzor kdo lahko vidi in ureja datoteke katerih lastnik ste lahko uporabite dovoljenja datotek. Za ogled in nastavitev dovoljenj datoteke, desno kliknite nanjo in izberite Lastnosti in nato izberite zavihek Dovoljenja.

Oglejte si Datoteke and Mape spodaj za podrobnosti o vrstah dovoljenj, ki jih lahko nastavite.


You can set the permissions for the file owner, the group owner, and all other users of the system. For your files, you are the owner, and you can give yourself read-only or read-and-write permission. Set a file to read-only if you don’t want to accidentally change it.

Every user on your computer belongs to a group. On home computers, it is common for each user to have their own group, and group permissions are not often used. In corporate environments, groups are sometimes used for departments or projects. As well as having an owner, each file belongs to a group. You can set the file’s group and control the permissions for all users in that group. You can only set the file’s group to a group you belong to.

You can also set the permissions for users other than the owner and those in the file’s group.

If the file is a program, such as a script, you must select Allow executing file as program to run it. Even with this option selected, the file manager may still open the file in an application or ask you what to do. See Executable text files for more information.


Dovoljenja map lahko nastavite za lastnika, skupino in druge uporabnike. Oglejte si podrobnosti dovoljenj datotek zgoraj za razlago o skrbnikih, skupinah in drugih uporabnikih.

Dovoljenja, ki jih nastavite za mapo, so drugačna od dovoljenj za datoteko.


Uporabnik ne bo mogel niti videti katere datoteke so v mapi.

Le izpiši datoteke

Uporabnik bo lahko videl katere datoteke so v mapi, vendar datotek ne bo mogel odpreti, ustvariti ali izbrisati.

Dostop do datotek

Uporabnik bo lahko odprl datoteke v mapi (pod pogojem, da ima za to dovoljenje do določene datoteke), vendar ne bodo mogli brisati datotek ali ustvariti novih datotek.

Ustvarjanje in brisanje datotek

Uporabnik bo imel poln dostop do mape ključno z odpiranjem, ustvarjanjem in brisanjem datotek.

You can also quickly set the file permissions for all the files in the folder by clicking Change Permissions for Enclosed Files. Use the drop-down lists to adjust the permissions of contained files or folders, and click Change. Permissions are applied to files and folders in subfolders as well, to any depth.