Network problems I can’t see my wireless network in the list — The wireless could be turned off or broken, or you may be trying to connect to a hidden network. My computer connects to the wrong network — Edit your connection settings, and remove the unwanted connection option. Other users can’t connect to the internet — You can save settings (like the password) for a network connection so that everyone who uses the computer will be able to connect to it. Other users can’t edit the network connections — You need to uncheck the Available to all users option in the network connection settings. The internet seems slow — Other things might be downloading, you could have a poor connection, or it could be a busy time of day. Why does my wireless network keep disconnecting? — You might have low signal, or the network might not be letting you connect properly. మరింత సమాచారం Networking, web & email — నిస్తంత్రి, తంత్రి, అనుసంధాన సమస్యలు, జాల విహారణం, ఈమెయిలు ఖాతాలు… ఇవి కూడా చూడండి Wireless networking — Connect to Wi-Fi, hidden networks, Wi-Fi disconnecting…