Crear unha conexión cunha enderezo IP fixo
A maioría das redes asignan automaticamente un enderezo IP e outra información que o seu computador precisa para conectarse á rede. Esta información pode cambiar de forma periódica, porén vostede querer ter un enderezo IP fixo para un computador para que sempre saiba en que enderezo está (por exemplo, un servidor de ficheiros).
Buscar o seu enderezo IP externo de Internet:
Go to the Desktop and start typing Network.
Prema en Rede para abrir o panel.
Find the network connection that you want to have a fixed address. Click the button next to the network connection. For a Wi-Fi connection, the button will be located next to the active network.
Select the IPv4 or IPv6 tab and change the Method to Manual.
Type in the IP Address and Gateway, as well as the appropriate Netmask.
In the DNS section, switch the Automatic switch to off. Enter the IP address of a DNS server you want to use. Enter additional DNS server addresses using the + button.
In the Routes section, switch the Automatic switch to off. Enter the Address, Netmask, Gateway and Metric for a route you want to use. Enter additional routes using the + button.
Click Apply. The network connection should now have a fixed IP address.